How to embroider a nose on amigurumi

so in this video i’m going to show you how to embroider a nose and this represents a snout of a fox and i want to put a plain horizontal black nose right in the center and i haven’t put any stuffing in here yet and that’s on purpose the best time to embroider is actually when there’s no stuffing otherwise when you put the needle through it might catch on some stuffing and then you’ll have all these white pieces of fuzz kind of sewn into your piece i am a perfectionist though and i like to be able to see how my details look on the completely finished animal so a lot of times i actually do embroider after the fact but you’re gonna go with best practices you should do it now before you put stuffing in there so to start with this is the outside of the snout it’s going to turn my piece around to the back side and i’m going to stick my needle in from the back to the front and i want to make a nose that spans this horizontal part so i’m gonna put the needle not through the middle point but through a point that’s a little off to the side and i’m gonna leave about a six inch yarn tail so that i have definitely enough yarn to create a knot later on that’s how we’re gonna secure the yarn tails then i’m gonna put my needle on the opposite side of the snout and i want to make it about equidistant from the center of the snout and then i’m going to put the needle back in the same hole that it was coming out of pull it tight but not too tight that you move the yarn tail and then repeat this as many times as you like to get the desired look so i usually like to do it at least three times since as you can see or from here right now i’ve only done it twice and then there’s this gap in between the two pieces of yarn so i’ll do it as many times as i think i need to to make a full looking nose okay i’ve done it enough times that the nose looks nice and solid now and so i’m going to put my needle back into the hole that it just came out of since i know that’s the last stitch horizontal stitch that i want and so now both yarn tail should be coming out of the same spot or either ends that’s totally fine too then we’re gonna tie a knot and tie it nice and tight so that the yarn won’t move and if you want to be extra secure you can tie one more knot in there then if you have a piece like mine that does have some 3d volume you can either choose to leave the yarn tails in there and use it to stuff it or you can just cut your yarn tails but i wouldn’t cut it super close because you want to make sure that that knot stays in there i’d leave at least an inch or two inches if possible leeway and there you have it an embroidered nose