How to hold a crochet hook and yarn

there’s two ways to hold a hook the first way is called an overhand grip or a knife grip it is as you would imagine how you would hold a knife the other way to hold a hook is with a pencil grip just like how you would hold a pencil you just need to do whatever feels most comfortable for you and I personally prefer the overhand grip because I feel like I can have more control this way aside from the hook you’ll also have to learn how to hold the yarn so take your piece make sure that the stitch marker is on the left side and then this big loop is on the right side then have your left palm facing you drape your piece in front of your palm and loop it once around your pinky so that the piece is now behind your palm bring it up above your second finger and you’re gonna always hold on to the piece with your thumb and your middle finger you’re gonna use your second finger to control what we say is the tension of the yarn so how taut this piece of yarn is this is gonna be really key to making really even crochet stitches and also help you control the yarns that you can more easily pull it through the loops so I’m gonna do it one more time at a different angle so you can see it maybe from this angle so take your piece it’s in front of your palm loop it once around your pinky bring it up behind your hand drape it over your second finger and hold on to it with your thumb and your middle finger there are other ways to hold the yarn ultimately what you need to do is find a way that’s comfy for you to all to control the tension some people are able to crochet just literally by holding the yarn but I wasn’t taught that way so it’s a bit difficult for me to do so I find this way the easiest alright now putting it together I’m holding my hook with an overhand or knife grip sticking it through this loop I’m gonna pull this loop tight not too tight then I can’t move the hook I just tight enough so that the hook is leaning against the piece I’m gonna rearrange my hands so watch me do the yarn hold without having to lift the entire piece and now in crocheting your right hand is always gonna stay on the right hand and I mean on the hook and your left hand is always going to stay at manipulating the yarn for people who are coming from knitting for example they might feel compelled to like grab onto the yarn with your right hand and move it around then in crochet you don’t do that you literally always just keep your right hand on the hook on only the hook and your left hand manipulating only the yarn