How to make movable arms for amigurumi

in this video I’m going to show you how to attach movable arms onto an amigurumi in this case the roubles bear pattern the first things first you’ll want to have completely finished closed arms we’re ready to go and looking as exactly as how you would want it and then you also need to cut a piece of yarn that’s at least I would say five times the width of where you’re going to be attaching the arms since we are literally gonna be putting that yarn back and forth inside the amigurumi multiple times to make it stronger so for this pattern I suggest putting the yarn through rounds 22 between rounds 22 and 23 so before we take the trouble of counting that on the bear body the first step is to put the yarn through one of the arms and again you can put this wherever you want but I like to put it between rounds two and three because I think that it’s more secure if we can grab more stitches and be further into the arm piece so counting here that’s round one this is round two this point is between rounds two and three and then I would suggest grabbing through two stitches of the arm you want to make sure you don’t grab too little of the arm because I mean I personally feel like it means that the arm is gonna be secured onto the body with too little surface area but also you don’t want to make it so wide that when you when the arm is on the bear that people will be able to see how it’s connected because this is essentially what we’re going to do with this arm alright so how it’s been about two stitches pull the yarn through leave a yarn tail I’d say about six inches long you’re not going to touch this until the very end when you weave in the yarn tails now let’s look for where we are going to attach this arm to the bear so as I said before that is somewhere between rounds 22 and 23 although it’s up to you wherever you want to place your amigurumi pieces so let’s count quickly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 all right I want to touch the arm somewhere in this row I want it to be a little bit more in the middle of the bear maybe right around here is about the middle of the bear I’m gonna then follow this line to the other side of the bear because I want to put the arm and the other arm at exactly the same spot it’s a little bit hard to fall on this bear only because now it’s in the way but I’m pretty sure it matches up with this line all right now I’m gonna have to do some squishing to make your needle go that far find a spot in between some stitches in that same gap between rounds now you’re gonna pull the needle through don’t pull so hard that the yarn tail comes out on this other end you still need to have that air until there but just pull enough so that huzzah this arm is now against the body now we’re gonna get the other arm we’re gonna do the same thing that we did with the first arm which is find the line between rounds 2 & 3 insert the needle so that it goes around two stitches or so pull this yarn through and now we want the arm again to be right against the body now we’re gonna look for exactly the same hole that we put the needle through to get to this other side and then we gotta find exactly the same hole on the other side as well so again squish your Omega roomy until you can find that don’t worry about the fact that right now the yarn is quite loose and obviously the arms are hanging off the body we are going to tighten that up make sure your yarns not snagging on anything as well all right again before you like tug too hard you want to make sure you’re not accidentally removing the yarn tail with all this tucking now you can just grab onto both pieces of yarn and adjust so that your arms are closer to the body all right so theoretically you could call it quits here and then tie a knot and then weave in the yarn tails but as you can see I feel like it’s not super secure yet and especially if a kid is going to get this I would rather have these arms more tightly onto the bear body than it currently is so to do that we are going to basically repeat all that all over again so we’re gonna repeat this horizontal stitch in the arm between rounds two and three and exactly the same spot tighten it and now find exactly the same holding it again on one side of the bear and then bring it out exactly the same hole on the other side of the bear pull it through and see you can already see how much more secure it looks on this side which has already two rounds of doing this technique okay you know we’re gonna repeat it on this side as well and you want to keep putting the neon through exactly the same points because that way arm will be able to more freely move as you ultimately want it to do would this technique alright so I’m just gonna do this one last time so I’m just gonna try to find the hole on the side all right there yeah one last time and call it quits but you are welcome to do this as many times as you would like the more times you do it the more firmly attached the arms will be and now the last step is to just tie a knot would be as two yarn tails and then weave these yarn tails in and to do that again you’re always looking for the same hole that the yarn had come out of now just pick an arbitrary spot on some other part of the bear through the stuffing because your goal is to get the crn tail stuck inside and stuffing you can choose to so in both carry tails at the same time what I did here is I only sew it in one of the yarn tails either way will work all you want to make sure that you do is that whatever you choose to do that you pull on the yarn tail tight enough so that knot that you made disappears on the inside of the amigurumi and doesn’t show up on the outside I’m gonna pause here and as you can see now you’ve got some super movable arms