How to put safety eyes on crochet amigurumi

in this video I’m gonna show you how to attach safety eyes to your crochet piece so safety eyes come in all different materials plastic and class I personally have only ever used plastic ones and they also come in different sizes and colors so the ones here are twelve millimeter and 10 millimeter safety eyes and that refers to the diameter of these eyes as you can see the ten millimeter one is smaller they also come in different colors as I said these are pure black other ones for example have irises of different colors so they look more realistic like blue irises with black pupils or brown eyes with black people’s so aside from that part of the eye there’s also a back part called the washer and every washer has a flat side which is the stuff on top and then the round side which is on bottom and it’s important to know this because you need to know which orientation the washers have to be when you actually push this into the yarn that you have so I’m gonna move the 10 millimeter eye of the way since I’m not going to be using them I’m gonna keep the 12 millimeter ones here and pick up my crochet piece so let’s say I have a pattern that says I need to put safety eyes in between rounds 3 and 4 and they need to be four stitches apart so with the right side of my piece facing me count how many rounds that is so here’s round 1 2 3 4 and that means that my safety I need to go somewhere here depending on what you’re making there may it may not matter where like if you’re making a ball and it’s all symmetrical it might not matter where you’re gonna put the eyes but some patterns do have a sense of an actual front and back so be careful of that too when you’re counting in this case I’ve just made a sphere a complete ball so it doesn’t matter where I put the eyes it’s gonna all look the same no matter what so like I said this is a spot between rounds three and four I make a little hole so it’s easier for me to put my I am there and I personally like to just double check that I like the spacing that’s been recommended by the pattern so I’ve put one eye there this next gap means I’ve crossover one stitch two three four the patterns telling me to put the eye in here four stitches away now look at it and let’s say I say hey you know that looks pretty cute I am satisfied with this so in that case I’m going to look at the inside of my work and now it’s time to finalize the decision by attaching the washers and you really got to make sure you’re okay with this placement because the whole point of these safety eyes is you can’t take them off after like once you have a washer locked into it it will be impossible to remove the washer from the eye you can of course always undo your crochet stitches and take out the entire eye up but the eye is gonna come out with the washer and so you won’t be able to use this eye again alright so remember I said it matters the orientation of the washer right there’s a flat side and then there’s a round side you want the flat side to face the yarn so you could just put it straight on the eye and then press on it then a lot of times I feel like this doesn’t work out super well for me especially with super small eyes it actually worked pretty well for these 12 millimeter eyes that’s pretty good you also want to be careful about not pressing it too tightly because sometimes if I were to squish it a super-tight I might look like really sunk into the piece all right I’m gonna show you the method I usually do when I attach eyes so again flat side facing the yarn I usually use a notebook or some sort of coochie cloth so I don’t accidentally indent the table I’m working and I put the eye face down there let’s move all this out of the way so you can cast see what I’m doing and then I just pressed straight down from here to lock in the washer to the eye whoops all right that seemed a bit forceful but hey it turned out great so here you have safety eyes