How to sew amigurumi parts together

in this tutorial i’m going to show you how to join an open piece of amigurumi to a closed piece and joining means the process of sewing essentially these pieces together so that you have one nice completely contained amigurumi and then the difference between an open and a closed piece is whether or not basically the inside of the piece is accessible to the outside so this yellow piece i have represents a beak and that’s why it’s got still an opening over here because we’re going to use that to sew onto this closed piece and this closed piece represents a penguin body so as you can see there are no openings all the stuffing is contained on the inside so once you’ve fastened off both the clothes piece and the open piece you’ll want to thread the yarn tail of the open piece into a tapestry needle and you want to use a tapestry needle because the eye is quite big which means it’s going to be way easier for you to get your yarn through and also this tip is not sharp so i mean i wouldn’t recommend poking yourself excessively with it but it won’t hurt so first things first let’s say this pattern says that you want to attach the beak uh starting between rounds seven and eight you gotta find where round seven and eight are so remember every round is one concentric circle so what i like to do is just pick a point and then keep following the piece along that point so we have around one two three four five six seven eight so the pattern said in between rounds seven and eight which would mean it’s actually over here this is where we want to start with attaching our beak so i’m just going to position it like so the top of the beak lines up with that point and then as you can see over here my yarn tail is coming out of this point of the beak i’m going to therefore stick it into the closed piece and then around one of the stitches and my goal is to bring it back up through this closed piece to a point that is in line with the next stitch of the yellow open piece so i’m going to put it over here pull it through pull it tight then pull it up under the loops of the v of the open piece then put the needle back into the hole in the closed piece where it just came from which is over here and then again around the stitch and you want it to come out at a point that lines up nicely with the next v of the open piece so here again and we’re just going to keep on repeating that so again up through the loops of the v of the open piece and then back down into the exact same spot on the closed piece and then one stitch over on the closed piece so that it lines up nicely with the next stitch of the open piece so i’m going to go through the rest of it so you can see what a completed joint online piece looks like okay so here is a completely joined piece as you can see the seam is really difficult to see which is what you’re going for you want it to look invisibly stitched onto the other piece and then again to weave in the yarn tails is how you would normally whenever you’re weaving in the yarn tails of a closed piece uh the first stories the point where you want to stick your needle into in this case is wherever the needle just came out of when you were putting it through the v in the open piece so in this case i could put it up through this stitch so i’m gonna come back down through the same stitch and i’m just gonna pick a point somewhere on the other side of my piece wherever my needle can make it and then pull the yarn through and pull it tight but not so tight that it distorts the actual stuff toy and then since i’ve got some extra yarn here i like to just stick the needle through the same point and then pick another point on some other direction uh across from it pull it through and then watch how i pull it through just enough so that this yarn disappears into the piece but not so much more because in that case i’d just be instead of having the yarn nicely go this way in that way if you pull too much it just makes the yarn go this way which defeats the point of trying to tangle the yarn up essentially in the stuffing inside the omega ruby and there you have it