How to sew something flat onto amigurumi

before you attach the belly you may be wondering which way do you attach the belly so this goes back to the concept of right versus wrong the right side is the side where it looks like there’s a bunch of v like stitches in the round and the wrong side will have things that look like horizontal bars in it so you’re going to want to attach the belly so that the right side is facing out and you may also have a yarn tail from the beginning of your piece that’s hanging out back here don’t worry about that you can just hide it behind all of the belly if it is too long though then i would recommend cutting it a little bit um i probably wouldn’t cut it any shorter than this because you don’t want it accidentally unraveling and then now it’s a manageable length that it would definitely get hidden behind the belly when you so what we’re gonna do is put the needle into a spot in between two stitches and then bring it out on the other side of the stitch and then pull it tight and see how this yarn tail came out of this stitch on the belly we want to bring the yarn tail up through the stitch to its left so we’re going to put it in this way i’m going to put it in from the top to the bottom of the stitch now remember to pull it tight every time and we’re going to sew this on a little bit differently than how you will sew on the other parts of the body so watch carefully the yarn tail is now coming out of this stitch so we’re gonna put the needle into the stitch immediately next to it from the bottom to the top pull tight see how you can’t even tell that there is yarn in between these stitches now we’re gonna look back on the penguin and find the spot that this best lines up with that’s on the actual penguin body put it through that hole and the belly is starting to curve so i’m not going to bring the yarn the needle through immediately next to it i’m going to bring it a little bit down because i’m trying to follow the natural curve of the belly stitches so pull that and now again and again now i’m going to alternate between bringing the needle from the top to the bottom of the stitch and then from the bottom to the top of the stitch that’s the next stitch [Music] all right so i have reached almost the last stitch i can tell because i can see that there’s some yarn coming out of this stitch over here so i’m gonna put the needle back into the penguin body one last time bringing it out um vaguely where the following stitches good measure i’m gonna put it through the very first stitch again all right now i’m gonna lock this yarn in there the way i’m gonna do that is put the needle back into exactly the same hole that it came from which was this and then push through to some arbitrary other point of the penguin so that this yarn gets stuck on the stuffing inside and you want to pull tight but not too tight because see if you pull really tight you start indenting the other side you’re only going you can just massage it out to make it that again and since i have so much extra yarn i’m just gonna do it again to another point in the penguin to just tangle up the yarn in there some more and there we go now you just need to cut the yarn as close as possible to the body and even though you can still see the yarn a little bit here don’t worry you just gotta massage the penguin body so it disappears