Left-handed // Easy way to crochet a magic loop

in this video i’ll show you how to crochet a magic loop left-handed in this video i’ll show you an easier way to crochet a magic loop left-handed a magic loop is a common way to start crocheting anything that’s in the round like omega rumi because there’s no hole in the center but you may be looking at this and wondering why there is a giant hole in the center and also these stitches look like they’re in a line and not really like a circle i did this because i wanted to show you what makes it magical so when you’re done crocheting the magic circle you just pull on the yarn tail and voila the hole in the middle disappears so i’m going to undo it all and show you how i made that so take your right hand and face the palm to you take the yarn tail put it on top of your palm or in front of your palm and drape it over the last three fingers of your hand diagonally now you’re going to hold on to the yarn tail with your pinky and thumb wrap it over the top of your middle finger under your ring finger and now you’re going to make an x by bringing the yarn over your index finger back under your ring finger and over your pinky so you can hold on to the working yarn with your thumb [Music] so that was a lot of directions i’ll show it to you one more time take your right palm face it to you put the yarn tail in front of your palm and drape the yarn over your middle finger remember to hold on to the yarn tail with your thumb and your pinky now bring the yarn behind your hand under your ring finger then cross it over to make this x and put the yarn on top of your index finger bring it back around the back of your hand and under your ring finger and over your pinky so you can hold on to it with your pinky and thumb we’re gonna hold this only for a little while longer so now hold on to your crochet hook put it under the top left side of the x and over the top right of the x and notice how my hook point is actually facing my palm it’s facing away from me that’s how i’m going to be able to grab this side of the x and pull it through to the other side of the x while twisting it so that i can have this nice loop on my hook and you want to make sure that this loop is loose enough so that the entire hook can go through it because what you’re going to do is yarn over by pushing the hook into the yarn that is draped over your index finger and then pulling that through the loop that’s on your hook so now if you let go with your right hand all of this yarn should stay put so now you get back into your regular crocheting position and make sure that the yarn tail and the right side of the loop is to the right and now we are going to make six single crochet stitches so do whatever your pattern says is the number of single crochet stitches to do in the magic loop and the only difference between doing a single crochet stitch like you normally would and doing one in the magic loop is where you put the hook normally you put your hook under the top loops of a stitch to start a stitch but there are no top loops here instead we’re going to treat this side the right side of the loop plus the yarn tail as the top loops so you’re always going to be crocheting over both strands of yarn on the right side so hold on to your loop and when i say that i mean hold on to all of it all three strands of yarn the yarn tail on both sides of the loop you’ll be glad you did this it’ll be much easier for you to control and see what you’re doing and then it also increases the chance that you will have a successful magical magic loop at the end alright so now stick your hook in the middle of the loop so now it should look like your hook is under these two strands of yarn now you’re going to yarn over and then pull that yarn through the loop that you just put your hook under so now you’ve got two loops on your hook yarn over again pull your hook through both loops on the hook so i’m going to do that again for a magic loop you’re always putting your hook in the same spot always in the center of this magic loop so that your hook is under both the right side of the magic loop and the yarn tail so yarn over pull it back through where it came from and notice how i readjust my hand if i need to to get even closer to my hook so that i have more control over the yarn yarn over and pull it through both loops on the hook i’m going to quickly do all six of these so i can show you the magical part again okay so i’ve done six single crochet stitches in this magic loop and we can just confirm that by looking for the horizontal v’s so if we count from the one we just made here is horizontal beam number one two three four five six that little nubbin does not count as a stitch that is not a horizontal v so now untangle your yarn tail hold on to your stitches with your left hand and now just pull on the yarn tail with your right and that should make your magic loop nice and small