Left-handed // How to decrease invisibly (dec) in amigurumi

in this video you’ll learn how to do a decrease stitch a decrease single crochet stitch to be exact you do this stitch when you want to make your crochet piece smaller and the concept behind a decrease stitch is that you’re going to take two stitches in the previous round and transform them into one stitch in the current round so to begin with you need to identify where to put your hook so here you can see these two stitches are the next two stitches that i would be crocheting into to do an invisible decrease which is the type of decrease stitch you tend to do on omega rumi or crochet stuffed toys you only need to put your hook through the front loops of these loops so these loops are called the top loops of a stitch these two normally you put your hook under both of these but for an invisible decrease stitch you’re going to put it only through the front loop so you put it through the front loop of the first stitch then you put it through the front loop of the second stitch you yarn over pull it through the two front loops yarn over again and pull it through the remaining two loops on your hook and now you can see you’ve successfully turned these two stitches into one stitch here so it can get a little bit confusing especially when you’re first learning to identify where you put your hook in next so it’s a little bit easier when you do the invisible decrease method because you can see that you’ve just crocheted and picked up only the front loops of these previous stitches so here’s another angle you know if you were to pull on the stitch you just made you can see it’s these pieces of yarn that are moving which means this is actually the next complete stitch in the round so that’s the stitch where you’re going to insert your hook on the front loop and again into the front loop of the next stitch yarn over pull it through yarn over pull it through the remaining two stitches and you can see how it’s already tightening up this crochet piece