Should we make a kit with supplies to attach an official cross-body strap to your in-progress kits?

this is a really good a really dumb idea you tell me like many wers I carry the curse of wanting to crochet everywhere I go and because I’m proud of my obsession and love meeting other wers in the wild I want people to know that I wooble so picture this what if you crocheted a whole woble over the weekend simply because you had your supplies with you the entire time you got things started while out on a walk knocked out some stitches waiting for your grocery pickup added some stuffing at the park and finish things up while running erand and this was all made possible because you kept your supplies in your limited edition crossbody kit bag 3,000 okay it’s not actually called that that just sounded cooler than I crocheted a chain and hole punched it to my kit but either way I have purse and I kind of love this idea but what do you think are we on to something