Someday Emelia will stop overestimating how much she can crochet in a day, but today isn’t that day.

I messed up I was supposed to crochet all of Minecraft in a day and it did not go well clearly we need to start with a creeper we’ve got oh heck yeah a moment for the variegated yarn stuffing this is the coolest thing I own there’s a little pre- started piece for you and the clock starts now I actually did it right crocheting this thing all chill as if I haven’t been blown up by them 50,000 times that looks right can’t forget the mouth now for a little stuffing I love it look at this dude I’m going to do the pig next stuffing the instruction cards there it is I’m crocheting this fast as I can why am I Whispering here we go we’re so close he definitely needs Sout though after this we got to call it quit cuz I’m out of time made a little nose ears and a little tail our Minecraft pig is complete look at this little guy yes I only got two of them done we still have three accessories in the warden I’m s part two though